What You Will Learn
  1. How to read B, C, and D on the second string
  2. Ode to Joy and Jingle Bells
  3. Reading exercises for the first two strings

How to Read Notes on the B String

B, C, and D on the Second String

B on the Second String

B is the pitch of the open second string. The note is found on the third line of the treble clef staff:

B on the B string in notation

C on the Second String

C is on the first fret of the second string. Play this note with the first finger.

C on the second string

Fretting C

C is on the third space of the staff:

C on the B string in notation

D on the Second String

D is found on the third fret of the second string:

D on the second string

Fretting D

D is on the fourth line of the staff:

D on the B string in notation


Reading notes on more than one string is somewhat more difficult than reading notes on a single string. There are more notes to remember and you may find yourself forgetting notes you learned previously. You can always refer to earlier lessons for a refresher if you forget a note.

Exercise 1: B, C, and D in Whole Notes

B, C, and D on the second string in whole notes

Exercise 2: B, C, and D in Half Notes

B, C, and D on the second string in half notes

Exercise 3: B, C, and D in Quarter Notes

B, C, and D on the second string in quarter notes

Exercise 4: B, C, and D in Mixed Rhythms

B, C, and D in mixed rhythms

Exercise 5: Notes on the First and Second Strings in Whole Notes

Notes on the first and second strings in whole notes

Exercise 6: Notes on the First and Second Strings in Half Notes

Notes on the first and second strings in half notes

Exercise 7: Notes on the First and Second Strings in Quarter Notes

Notes on the first and second strings in quarter notes

Exercise 8: Notes on the First and Second Strings in Mixed Rhythms

Notes on the first and second strings with mixed rhythms


When playing familiar melodies like those below, try to read the music instead of using your ear to pick out the melody.

Ode to Joy

Ode to Joy

Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells