Musical Dynamics
Dynamics control the loudness or softness of the music. They are indicated by text or symbols in the music. The volume of the music may be the same throughout the piece or it may change. If the dynamics change, they may change suddenly or gradually.
Dynamic Symbols and Words
Dynamics are most commonly indicated with abbreviations that correspond to Italian words. The chart below gives common dynamic indications with the abbreviation, Italian word, and English translation.
Abbreviation | Italian | English |
pp | pianissimo | very soft |
p | piano | soft |
mp | mezzo piano | moderately soft |
mf | mezzo forte | moderately loud |
f | forte | loud |
ff | fortissimo | very loud |
fp | forte piano | loud then soft |
cresc. | crescendo | gradually become louder |
decresc. | decrescendo | gradually become softer |
dim. | diminuendo | gradually become softer |
Relative Dynamic Indications
Relative dynamics indicate the loudness or softness of the music. They may apply to an entire piece or just a small section.

Dynamics last until another dynamic marking changes the volume.

Gradual Dynamic Changes
Dynamics can be changed gradually over time and the music may get softer or louder.
A crescendo indicates that the music should gradually get louder. Crescendos are indicated in two ways: hairpins and textual indications with dotted lines. A hairpin looks like a greater than or less than sign stretched out. The widest end of the hairpin is the loudest point, while the thinnest end indicates the softest point.
1. Hairpin Crescendo

2. Textual Crescendo

Decrescendo indicates that the music should gradually grow softer. The term diminuendo is used interchangeably with decrescendo. Like crescendos, there are two ways of indicating a decrescendo:
1. Hairpin Decrescendo

2. Textual Decrescendo

Textual crescendos and descrescendos are generally used for longer passages.
More Specific Crescendos and Decrescendos
Crescendos and decrescendos may be used with specific dynamic markings to indicate that the music should gradually increase or decrease from one level of loudness or softness to another.